Join the LIVE Today Movement!The LIVE Today Foundation team appreciates our partners’ sensitivity to the plight of thousands of cancer patients and survivors who become afflicted with lymphedema. For too many, the cost of treatment is unaffordable. We envision sharing the weight of this dilemma with our growing network of medical professionals and centers, community organizations, donors, compression garment manufacturers, volunteers, and researchers. Together, we can eliminate the cost barrier to treatment for thousands of sufferers, beginning in communities that are hardest hit by these illnesses.
Healthcare PractitionersWe believe that the patient/physician relationship is key to improving the quality of life for lymphedema survivors. We are creating a LIVE Today Lymphedema Education Kit for medical professionals. In this kit, we will offer insights and solutions for challenges that patients face—challenges that can be easy for us to overlook and difficult for them to discuss.
Would you like to contribute to our educational kit? We will also be reaching out to partner professionals to help us identify patients who could benefit from our program. Can we count on you to help us spread the word? |
Nonprofit OrganizationsWhat would we do without caring, mission driven people who are devoted to making a difference in the lives of others?
We seek to partner with community organizations that specialize in health, personal finance, education, culture, and beauty. Our combined effort can enhance the quality of life for low-income lymphedema survivors of color. Together we can turn the tide on the dismal outcomes that are a reality in forgotten communities. Will you please join us, and will you connect us with other community resources in your network? |
DonorsMany cancer patients and survivors who become afflicted with lymphedema are startled by their new diagnosis and startled by their hefty new treatment expense.
Essential compression garments can cost up to $300, and insurance does not cover them. Because the garments lose their effectiveness after six months of daily use, patients have to buy them twice per year … an expense that has no end in sight because there is no cure in sight. Low-income patients who have to choose between buying a new sleeve/glove set or buying groceries for their families are likely to forego treatment. This choice creates a slew of complications that can lead to an even worse financial state due to more doctor visits, deterioration of the use of the arm and hand, and loss of wages. As grave as that sounds, we cannot understate how despondent a patient can become with blow after blow, beginning with a fatal diagnosis of cancer and progressing to a body that no longer feels beautiful. Sadness is a powerful force that patients and survivors must resist, and the weight of it all can be overwhelming. We find that even a gesture like adding a little pizzazz to a compression sleeve can go a long way to brighten a patient’s or survivor’s day. |
On the other hand, when a patient is able to obtain medical treatment, she can reduce pain levels, reduce the number of associated infections she experiences, and improve the use and look of her affected limb. Compression garment treatment is effective, and effective treatment should not have opt-out button based on inability to pay.
The LIVE Today Foundation is seeking big-hearted individuals and Foundations to partner with us to ease the suffering of low-income lymphedema sufferers. Will you help us? You gifts are tax deductible.
The LIVE Today Foundation is seeking big-hearted individuals and Foundations to partner with us to ease the suffering of low-income lymphedema sufferers. Will you help us? You gifts are tax deductible.
Garment ManufacturersQuality compression garments are essential in the management of lymphedema symptoms. The materials and craftsmanship combine to supply lymphedema sufferers with tools for health. A beautifully designed garment has the potential to restore self-confidence.
Our 501c3 is seeking manufacturers who would like to support the cause of lymphedema sufferers who are unable to afford compression garment treatment out-of-pocket. Will you help us help them? Please contact us today. |
VolunteersOftentimes we hear loved ones of survivors say, I feel so helpless. What can I do to help?
That’s why volunteers are the truth! Thank you for your heart to serve. There is no shortage of help that survivors need, and the LIVE Today Foundation would love to engage you in some of our initiatives. As they say, many hands make light work! Please contact us if you would like to volunteer to help us fulfill our mission. |
ResearchersLIVE Today seeks to partner with healthcare, public health, social service, diversity, and other researchers to better understand and solve the lymphedema dilemma. Please contact us for more information.